3 Game minimum
Penalty Box: Each team is responsible for providing its own penalty box attendant.
Warm Ups: A three (3) minute warm up will take place before the start time of the game. Pucks will NOT be provided. Please bring warm up pucks for your team.
Time Outs: One 30 second timeout is permitted per team per game.
Length of Periods: All games will be 3 x 13 minute periods.
Rosters are frozen the first day of the tournament. Players can only play on one team during the tournament (Unless has authorizing from Tournament Director)
Round Robin OT:
All games will be played to completion.
Preliminary games if tied after regulation will go to a Sudden Death shootout. 1 vs 1 . New shooter for every shot. Any player that has a penalty on the clock going into a shootout is Ineligible to shoot
Playoff game OT:
If there is a tie at the end of regulation play, a 5-minute run time, 3 vs 3 sudden death period will be played. If the overtime does not present a winner, then a shootout, consisting of 1 player from each team will be used to determine a winner. 1 vs 1
Any player that has a penalty on the clock going into a shootout is Ineligible to shoot
Defender Hockey reserves the right to change Sunday opponents in final game match-ups that are not consequential to the championship. Requests will not be accepted.
No games will be protested.
Period Break: There will be a one (1) minute break between each period.
Mercy Rule: The mercy rule shall be in effect. If a team at any point during the third period is leading by 6 or more goals the clock will revert to running time. If the difference is reduced 3 goals or less the clock will revert back to stop time.
Penalties: Penalty times will be as follows: Minor 1:30 minutes, Major 4:00 minutes, Misconduct 7:30 minutes.
Any player who receives 4 penalties in a game will be suspended for the next game.
Any player who receives a major penalty (i.e. fighting, spearing, kicking, etc.) will automatically be ejected from the remainder of the game in which the infraction occurs, plus the next game. In the event that a major penalty occurs, the official must note on the game sheet whether the infraction includes a game misconduct.
Division Scoring: All divisions will be scored per game as follows:
- Three (3) points for a win
- Two (2) point for a OT Win
- OT Loss (1) points for a OT loss
Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie for playoff seeding, the following criteria will be used to determine the team’s placement. If more than 2 teams tied, skip to tiebreaker 3:
- Total team points
- Head to Head
- GF/(GF+GA) highest percentage advancing
- Most wins
- Least amount of goals against
- Most shutouts
- Least penalty minutes
Forfeited Games: Any forfeited games will be recorded as a 3-0 score.
Goal Differential: The maximum goal differential attainable per game is +/- 6.
Playoffs or Championship only!
If there is a tie at the end of regulation play, a 5-minute run time 3 vs 3 sudden death period will be played. If the overtime does not present a winner, then a shootout, consisting of 1 player from each team will be used to determine a winner.
• The tournament director will answer all questions
• There are NO cow bells or horns allowed in the stands
• Parents/fans are to conduct themselves in a respectable manner according to USA Hockey Rules. Coaches or players reprimanding the referees will not be tolerated. Any fisticuffs during the tournament result in automatic suspension from the tournament games.
• Teams must be prepared to begin a game 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
• The Tournament Coordinator will do his or her best to honor any request.
• The tournament director will answer all questions
• Parents/fans are to conduct themselves in a respectable manner according to USA Hockey Rules. Coaches or players reprimanding the referees will not be tolerated. Any fisticuffs during the tournament result in automatic suspension from the tournament games.
• All referee decisions are final. The tournament director(s) will not overrule the referee’s decision! Keep in mind that there are only two referees on the ice and over 100 spectators during the game. We ask that the coaches, players, and spectators be courteous and respectful to the referees. We support the “ZERO TOLERANCE” rule regarding on-ice and off-ice conduct. Any inappropriate behavior may be subject to ejection from the game or rink. Please keep in mind that amateur youth hockey is for recreation and the referees are not professionals. Any appropriate complaints must be addressed by your coaches with a tournament director. Those parents/fans not following the ZERO TOLERANCE rule will be removed from the arena. GOOD LUCK!!
Tiebreaker Visual: